Promote Brand new Cloud SAAS MemeBucks


Promote Brand new Cloud SAAS


Promote Brand new Cloud SAAS MemeBucks

3 Simple Steps
To Generate A Massive Snowball Traffic

Let me explain. MemeBucks' landing page offers a free online service, 'Free Meme Generator', in which the user benefits as well as the visitor.

Several visitors will create their own memes and share them, primarily because it's free, easy, and fun.

The increased traffic comes from the fact that, if 10 people, for example, create a Meme, and share it with their 20 friends or followers, now the site has 200 new visitors (the traffic is multiplied by 10 times in this example).

If 80 of these 200 visitors make a meme and share it, you have 1,600 new visitors.

  • It's the snowball effect.

    On a site called "" you can see how many visitors any site has on the web. If you search for Meme Generator sites, you will find that many of them receive 2 million visitors per month and are very simple sites.

    MemeBucks displays affiliate offers to the visitors as well. It is impossible to avoid them.

    Let's calculate:

    If the site receives 2 million visitors and 1% click your ads, that's 20,000 clicks per month. Most of the offers we put on MemeBucks have a 15% conversion, so 15% of 10,000 clicks is like 3,000 sales per month.

    Pure logic.

    (These kinds of results will take some time until traffic gets so high, but you will also get sales until the snowball effect takes over.)

Step One
With Just A Few Clicks, You Build Your "Meme Generator Site", Fully White-Labeled.
With MemeBucks, You Can Build A "Meme Site" That Allows You And Your Visitors To Create Funny Memes And Share.
At This Step, All You Need To Do Is Create A Few Memes Using The App.
Step Two
Your First Visitors Arrive.
People Will Click On The Memes And Be Redirected To Your Website.
Your First Few Visitors Arrive.
Many Of Them May Share The Memes They Clicked, Generating Traffic To Your Site.
But Wait! It Doesn’t Stop There!
Step Three
Your First Visitors Arrive.
People Will Click On The Memes And Be Redirected To Your Website.
Your First Few Visitors Arrive.
Many Of Them May Share The Memes They Clicked, Generating Traffic To Your Site.
But Wait! It Doesn’t Stop There!


MemeBucks Traffic 50% commissions $37 to $47

  • 13 Social Media Sites And Generate Traffic From All The Sites Simultaneously
  • Get Insights On All The Traffic You Generated From Social Media Directly From Your High Ticket Octopus Dashboard.
  • Keep Your Social Media Accounts Fresh And Engaging By Regularly Updating The Content.
  • Customize Each Post Or Post It All As Is.


MemeBucks Club 50% commissions $37 to $47 REQ

  • You Can Build Unlimited Sites!
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  • DFY High Ticket Octopus  Added To The User Dashboard Each Month.
  • Premium Addons Like Drag And Drop Builder, Live Chat, And More!


MemeBucks Scraper 50% commissions $37 to $47

  • Grab & Post Viral Content From Any Websites!
  • Rewrite The Content In One Click To Make It Yours
  • Import Everything From The Title To The Images, To All The Text Inside The Content.
  • Easy-To-Use Thanks To Its Point And Click Interface. No Coding And No Learning Curve.


MemeBucks Store 50% commissions $37 to $47

  • Import All The Data Of The Products, Including Its Variation, Description, And Even The Pictures.
  • Search Directly From Your Admin Dashboard. Save Hours Of Your Time.
  • No API Key Required. It Just Works!
  • Get The Chrome Extension Designed To Automatically Scrap And Export Products To Your Site With Just One Click.


MemeBucks  Articles 50% commissions $47 to $67

  • Generate MASSIVE Buyer Traffic
  • Close More High-Ticket Sales Quickly & Easily!
  • Spinner To Make Your Emails Unique!
  • Trending News
  • Generate MASSIVE Buyer Traffic
  • Close More High-Ticket Sales Quickly & Easily!
  • 24/7 Access To Our Support Team


High MemeBucks  Scheduler 50% commissions $47 to $67

  • Publish Articles More Consistently
  • Automate Your Site, Skyrocket Your Income!
  • Proven Selling Tools. Gain Access To A Proven Sales Page And Video Sales Letter
  • Done-For-You Selling Platform. You Can Use Our Selling Platform To Sell The Product
  • 24/7 Access To Our Support Team


High Ticket Octopus  FB & Google Ads 50% commissions $67 to $97

  • Proven Strategies To Sell High-Ticket Offer With Google Ads
  • Yes, Google Ads Work Great For Selling High-Ticket Offers!
  • It Lets You Generate Laser-Targeted Buyer Traffic
  • 24/7 Access To Our Support Team


High Ticket Octopus Solo Ads 50% commissions $67 to $97

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  • It’s Actually The Opposite. It’s Still Highly Effective As It’s Always Been.
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  • 24/7 Access To Our Support Team


High Ticket Octopus  Agency 50% commissions $197

  • Agency License. A License To Sell High Ticket Octopus Like Your Own Product And Keep 100% Of The Profits.
  • Proven Selling Tools. Gain Access To A Proven Sales Page And Video Sales Letter
  • Done-For-You Selling Platform. You Can Use Our Selling Platform To Sell The Product
  • 24/7 Access To Our Support Team


High Ticket Octopus  Mentor 50% commissions $497

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World’s  First Snowball Traffic
Generator Software

What’s MemeBucks?

It’s an app that lets you bring people — thousands of people — to your products or affiliate offers using the power of internet meme and viral loop sharing effect.

How does it work?

Simple. It lets you create funny memes and second and share them on any social media platforms you choose. Then whenever people clicked on the memes, they will be redirected to your website.

On your website, two things can happen:

1. They share the meme with their friends, which will bring even more traffic to your website.

2. They get encouraged to create a meme directly on your site, share it with their friends, and basically work for you to bring more people to your website.

What makes it special?

Let’s be real, it won’t generate tens of thousands of traffic immediately. Instead, it will probably be generating 100 visitors at first.

But remember, people, love to share memes with others.

So, from that small amount of traffic, some of them are going to bring their friends to your website. And their friends may also share it with others, generating even more traffic to your website at absolutely no cost and no effort.

It generates an infinite loop of traffic that keeps growing and growing, like a snowball rolling down the hill!

Do I need any technical skills?

No, you don’t. It only takes a few simple clicks to create dozens of memes, and one click to share them on social media. Once you have a few memes on social media, you’ll see your web traffic grow fast!

How long does it take to see the result?

You should be able to see the results within 24 hours after you get started. And again, since it utilizes the viral loop sharing effect, you’ll see the result only get better over time.

What makes this different from another traffic-generating app?

First of all, it doesn’t require you to have any technical skills. You can get started immediately after you make a purchase. 

We’ve also designed it for beginners in mind, so it doesn’t require you to have an existing audience or advanced marketing skills. 


Why Promote?

We Are Experienced Product Launchers And Know How To Convert In Addition To Putting Together Fantastic Products And Softwares For Our Customers.

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  • Perfect For All Types of Email Lists & Traffic - Send a Quick Blast And See For Yourself!


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Full Text of Bonuses to use on Email

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